The 5 Major Types of AML Software Used Worldwide

Explore the 5 major types of AML software. How is each anti-money laundering solution key to fighting global financial crimes?

aml software

Talking about money laundering and related crimes definitely seems intriguing, but the real challenge is using AML software applications to fight these crimes effectively.

Financial institutions like banks, insurance companies, and fintech firms struggle to keep up with changing money laundering tactics while remaining compliant with strict regulations. On the face of it, most anti-money laundering software is most effective when tailored to meet business-specific compliance needs.

However, developing AML software is only the beginning; it must be continuously updated to keep pace with evolving rules, red flags, thresholds, and anomaly detection capabilities.

Here, we’ve detailed five core (and time-tested) AML software types that have evolved to meet various money laundering mitigation needs.

So, interested in knowing the types of anti-money laundering solutions out there?

Let’s jump in!

What is Anti-Money Laundering Software?

Anti-money laundering software, commonly referred to as AML software, serves as a powerful tool to mitigate and combat financial crimes.

It integrates various compliance solutions into a single system, simplifying regulatory adherence for financial and obligated businesses on a unified platform.

So, how does it work? 

At its technical core, sophisticated AML software diligently:

✔️ Integrate with existing business systems for seamless data flow and compatibility.

✔️Scan large amounts of identity and financial data with advanced technologies like AI and ML.

✔️Spot any unusual patterns that could indicate money laundering or other illegal activities.

✔️Conduct real-time monitoring of transactions to detect and act on suspicious activities promptly.

✔️Reduce false positives to allow compliance teams to focus on genuine threats.

Again, why an anti-money laundering compliance software so important?

Well, alongside catching bad actors, effective AML software also helps organizations stay on the right side of the law by providing key functions like:

1. Identity verification (KYC, KYB, CDD).

2. Watchlist screening (sanctions, PEP, adverse media).

3. Transaction monitoring (real-time red flags and threshold checks). 

4. Reporting tools (SAR, STR). 

5. Regulatory compliance (risk-based approach and EDD to meet global rules).

With all the prerequisite tools in one place, institutions can easily detect and report suspicious activities, making the fight against financial crime more result-oriented​​. 

Now, let’s elaborate on each type of AML software with a special focus on how each contributes to the larger AML compliance program.

[Note: Each type of AML software is functionally complete on its own, yet when integrated and interlinked with each other, they appear more fulfilling and result-oriented in the fight against money laundering and financial crimes.]

5 Main Types of Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Software

anti-money laundering software

1. Identity Verification Software

Identity verification is about checking the identities of individuals and businesses to confirm that they are who they claim to be. 

Identity verification (IDV) software is the first step in confirming the identities of individuals and businesses. It verifies the identities of people (KYC—know your customer) and businesses (KYB—know your business) to ensure legitimacy.

Why is this important for your business? This software seamlessly integrates with your existing systems, constantly updating and monitoring customer profiles. It helps prevent onboarding fraudulent individuals and ensures you meet regulatory standards smoothly.

So, how does it operate?

  • Verifies identities swiftly and accurately using advanced technologies like biometric checks.
  • Cross-references data points, such as government-issued IDs, with global databases to help deter fraud.
  • Assists in onboarding and customer due diligence (CDD) steps to help businesses stay compliant with regulations.

[Relevant Reading Link: AI-Powered Identity Verification Across Multiple Industries: A Comprehensive Perspective

2. AML Watchlist Screening Software

AML watchlist screening software scans individuals and entities against various databases, such as sanctions lists, politically exposed persons (PEP) lists, and adverse media sources.

How does watchlist screening constantly help businesses? This software keeps your customer profiles updated and compliant with sanctions. It also checks for high-risk individuals (PEPs) and scans adverse media to uncover negative information, protecting your business from hidden risks.

How does an AML watchlist screening operate?

  • Minimizes false positives by employing sophisticated algorithms, making the compliance process more streamlined and accurate.
  • Continuously monitors to help businesses avoid engaging with high-risk parties.
  • Cross-checks lists to spot individuals or entities involved in unlawful activities and ensure regulatory compliance.

[Relevant Reading Links: 

3. Transaction Monitoring Software

Transaction monitoring software helps financial institutions detect suspicious activities by continuously analyzing transactions in real time.

Why is this important for your business? This software uses set rules to spot unusual patterns that might indicate money laundering or fraud. Real-time monitoring lets you quickly detect and act on suspicious transactions, protecting your business from financial crimes.

So, how does it operate?

  • Continuously monitors transactions in real-time to detect any irregularities or suspicious activities promptly.
  • Flags transactions that exhibit unusual patterns for further investigation, ensuring timely intervention and risk mitigation.
  • Uses advanced detection techniques to minimize false positives, enhancing the accuracy of alerts.
  • Learns from historical data to improve and adapt threat identification over time, making the system more effective and reliable.

[Relevant Reading Links: 

4. SAR Reporting Tool

Suspicious activity reporting (SAR) software enables financial institutions to detect and report potential fraudulent activities in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Why is this important for your business? SAR software identifies and examines suspicious transaction patterns, ensuring timely reporting to authorities. This keeps your business compliant and helps you avoid penalties for non-compliance.

So, how does it operate?

  • Investigates flagged transactions thoroughly to determine if they are suspicious.
  • Automates the reporting process to ensure timely documentation and reporting to authorities.
  • Continuously updates its systems based on regulatory changes and emerging threats, enhancing accuracy and reducing false positives.

[Relevant Reading Links: 

5. Regulatory Compliance Platform

An effective anti-money laundering compliance software (aka an AML regulatory platform) identifies and reduces money laundering and terrorist financing risks using a risk-based model.

Why is this important for your business? This software evaluates and ranks risks to detect and prevent illegal activities, keeping you compliant with international standards like those from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

So, how does it operate?

  • Evaluates risk profiles and conducts enhanced due diligence (EDD) to ensure compliance with global standards.
  • Integrates enhanced due diligence, customer risk scoring, and ongoing monitoring for comprehensive risk assessment.
  • Uses advanced analytics to spot and prioritize potential threats, reduce false positives, and help compliance teams focus on actual risks.

[Relevant Reading Links: 

anti-money laundering compliance software

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Here is our AML blog and updates section! Our articles break down the tech specs and regulatory standards you need for solid anti-money laundering measures.

How to Choose the Right Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Software for Your Business?

When choosing the right anti-money laundering solution, it’s important that the solution can:

✔️Adapt to rapid technological changes to handle digital transactions efficiently.

✔️Ensure cross-border compliance with varying international AML regulations.

✔️Stay updated with regulatory changes to maintain adequate compliance strategies.

✔️Use automation (AI-ML) to streamline routine tasks like data entry and record-keeping, improving efficiency and accuracy.

✔️Support continuous updates and scalability to meet the evolving needs of the financial institution.

✔️Provide real-time updates and alerts to detect and respond to suspicious activities quickly.

✔️Integrate seamlessly with current applications and data sources for a unified compliance approach.

✔️Deliver comprehensive reporting tools for regulatory submissions and internal audits.

✔️Ensure data security and privacy compliance to protect sensitive customer information.

Wondering if your business needs to roll out an anti-money laundering solution to keep its financial security tight? Well, check out ThePerfectMerchant’s all-inclusive list of AML-regulated industries.

Wrapping Up AML Software Types

Integrating various anti-money laundering solution types is essential yet challenging, as each tool must meet specific industry requirements and regulatory standards. There’s no universal approach; institutions must tailor their AML strategies to fit their unique needs.

AML tools work together to ensure comprehensive compliance. 

Here’s how:

1. KYC/KYB software confirms the identity of new customers, which is the foundation for all subsequent AML processes.

2. Once identities are verified, they are checked against sanctions and high-risk lists to ensure no association with illegal activities.

3. With verified identities and screening complete, continuous tracking of financial activities is conducted to flag any unusual patterns.

4. When suspicious activity is detected through monitoring, a suspicious activity report (SAR) is filed to alert regulatory authorities.

5. All these processes ensure alignment with legal standards and update risk profiles as needed, maintaining ongoing compliance.

Got questions on how to choose the right anti-money laundering solution? We’ve got answers, contact us here.

Top FAQs on Anti-Money Laundering Software

What is AML technology?

AML technology includes tools and systems used to detect and prevent money laundering, such as transaction monitoring, identity verification, and risk assessment software, often powered by AI and machine learning.

What is anti-money laundering compliance?

Anti-money laundering compliance involves adhering to laws and regulations designed to prevent money laundering, including implementing procedures for customer verification, transaction monitoring, and reporting suspicious activities.

What is an anti-money laundering example?

An example is a bank using transaction monitoring software to flag unusual transactions, like large cash deposits followed by immediate withdrawals, indicating potential money laundering.

What is an anti-money laundering (AML) compliance program?

An AML compliance program consists of policies and procedures to ensure a financial institution complies with AML regulations, including customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, and suspicious activity reporting.

What are anti-money laundering best practices?

Best practices include thorough KYC processes, robust transaction monitoring, regular risk assessments, continuous staff training, and maintaining accurate records.

Who needs AML software?

AML software is essential for financial institutions, insurance companies, fintech firms, real estate agencies, and other businesses at risk of being used for money laundering.

Is KYC an AML?

KYC (Know Your Customer) is a critical component of AML, focusing on verifying customer identities to assess and mitigate risks associated with money laundering.

How to choose AML software?

Choose AML software based on compliance with regulations, integration capabilities, use of advanced technologies like AI, user-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness.

What are AML applications?

AML applications include software for transaction monitoring, identity verification, customer due diligence, risk assessment, and regulatory reporting.

Which software is used in AML?

Commonly used AML software includes Actimize, SAS, ACI Worldwide, FICO TONBELLER, and Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications.

How do you solve anti-money laundering?

Solve AML by implementing comprehensive compliance programs, using advanced technologies, conducting regular risk assessments, and ensuring ongoing staff training.

How can we stop money laundering?

We can’t completely stop money laundering, but we can mitigate and combat it through stringent regulatory frameworks, effective technology solutions, thorough customer due diligence, and international cooperation among financial institutions.

What are AML strategies?

Effective AML strategies include implementing robust compliance programs, leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, conducting continuous monitoring, and collaborating with regulatory bodies.


Rachna Pandya

Rachna is a skilled Technical Content Writer specializing in financial crime prevention, with expertise in Anti-Money Laundering, Identity Verification, Sanctions Screening, Transaction Monitoring, and Fraud & Risk. She offers valuable insights and strategies through her content, particularly in Trade-Based Money Laundering, Transaction Monitoring, and Cyber Laundering.

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