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adverse media screening
What Is Adverse Media (Or Negative News) Screening in AML?

At its core, adverse media refers to any unfavorable information that could adversely affect the evaluation of a subject's integrity or creditworthiness. Adverse media screening spans a range of content from news articles and blog posts to legal filings and…

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what is kyb
What is Know Your Business (KYB)? Difference Between KYC and KYB

As the “global village” expands, verifying business identities through the KYB process has become almost inevitable for each enterprise engaging in cross-border operations.   KYB is all about understanding the companies you do business with. In this piece, get to…

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customer screening
What Is AML Customer Screening And Why Is It So Important?

Customer screening stands as the first port of call in the global fight against money laundering, and it cannot be overlooked. Let’s find out why. An effective customer screening process – 1. Kick-starts the AML compliance cycle for financial institutions.…

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difference between sar and str
Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Vs. Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)– What’s The Difference?

In anti-money laundering (AML) efforts, the comparison between “suspicious activity report vs suspicious transaction report” often comes up.  SAR and STR are the final AML checks that come after the initial steps, like verifying who someone is and keeping an eye…

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what is a suspicious transaction report
What Is a Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)?

A suspicious transaction report (STR), also known as a suspicious activity report (SAR) in some jurisdictions, is a critical tool in the battle against money laundering and terrorist financing. Significance – Filed by financial institutions or concerned individuals, these reports…

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politically exposed person screening
What is PEP Screening in Anti-Money Laundering?

PEP screening is a critical component of a comprehensive anti-money laundering (AML) program. Financial institutions and other obligated entities implement PEP screening processes to identify and manage risks associated with persons who may have opportunities to acquire assets through illicit…

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